Blog #10: Online Presence
My Online Footprint I terms of an online footprint that I have, I'd say that it is relatively big. I use the internet every day, whether for work or to play video games, not to mention that I do have social media as well. I do use Google and Google Chrome for every search that I do, and I do know that it would be easy for find out all my searches if someone really wanted to, but I am not overly scared of what they would find. If someone really would go through the trouble to see what I search just to see YouTube, and whatever dumb questions I may look up, I wouldn't freak out unless they obviously hacked information like passwords. I do have a personal website that I work on and update, but its sole purpose is to be a portfolio for me since I am a game design major. I plan to update it with more of my work that I have done regarding designing video games. As a game design major it is necessary to have a website to act as a portfolio if I want to easil...